Results for 'Irina Gennadievna Galushko'

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  1.  15
    Ways to form a favorable emotional background in the English language lesson as a health-saving factor in distance learning.Veronika Mikhailovna Grebennikova, Larisa Ulfatovna Badrtdinova & Irina Gennadievna Galushko - 2021 - Kant 38 (1):213-217.
    The article describes techniques for organizing an English lesson that help reduce stress and increase students ' motivation. Comprehensive and continuous use of the described methods is the most important condition for a comfortable stress-free environment in the classroom, which forms a healthy and successful student. The article also contains recommendations for creating a comfortable emotional background in the English lesson by means of special mini-exercises, games, and chants aimed at attracting students attention.
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    Homo Faber Scapegoated, or Apocalyptic Artificial Intelligence: Rethinking the Technological Singularity Concept From the Synergetic Historicism Position.Irina Gennadievna Mikailova - 2023 - Philosophy Study 13 (11).
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    Problems of providing the agricultural sector with qualified personnel in the context of the development of the digital economy.Irina Petrovna Belikova & Ekaterina Gennadievna Sergienko - 2021 - Kant 41 (4):26-31.
    The purpose of the study is to reveal that significant changes are taking place in the agricultural sector in the processes of management and organization of production, since the digitalization of the economy itself and other spheres of public life, in fact, is a kind of stimulus for the structural and technological transformation of the agro-industrial complex. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the article examines the modern realities and the immediate prospects of the digital agricultural revolution taking (...)
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    Dynamic Self-Organizing Social and Cultural Processes in Global Development of Humanity in Terms of Synergetic Historicism.Irina Gennadievna Mikailova - 2018 - International Journal of Philosophy 6 (3):84.
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    The role of the digital economy in the development of foreign trade.Olga Kharlampievna Kaznacheeva, Irina Viktorovna Sinitsyna & Marina Gennadievna Kaznacheeva - 2021 - Kant 40 (3):25-29.
    The purpose of the study is to analyze the main directions of the digital transformation of the Russian economy; to suggest ways to solve the problems caused by the radical change in the digital space. The article considers the main directions of digital transformation of the Russian economy, proves the need to change the approach to the digital economy, analyzes the directions that allow improving the main macroeconomic indicators. The scientific novelty lies in the analysis of the directions of digital (...)
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  6. Minds without spines: evolutionarily inclusive animal ethics.Irina Mikhalevich - 2020 - Animal Sentience 29 (1).
    Invertebrate animals are frequently lumped into a single category and denied welfare protections despite their considerable cognitive, behavioral, and evolutionary diversity. Some ethical and policy inroads have been made for cephalopod molluscs and crustaceans, but the vast majority of arthropods, including the insects, remain excluded from moral consideration. We argue that this exclusion is unwarranted given the existing evidence. Anachronistic readings of evolution, which view invertebrates as lower in the scala naturae, continue to influence public policy and common morality. The (...)
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    Linguodidacatic terms codification under conditions of interdisciplinary integration.Kruhliak Irina & Mishenina Tetiana - 2017 - Science and Education: Academic Journal of Ushynsky University 23 (8):60-65.
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    Benefit Corporations in the U.S.Irina M. Kopaneva - 2022 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 41 (2):241-270.
    The benefit corporation is a for-profit corporation required to create a positive impact on workers, communities, society, and environment. The purpose of this paper is to explore how BCs reconcile dominant and alternative frames of profit. This study presented here explores three BCs in the U.S. through a dual-method approach based on observations and interviews. The study reveals how BC members understand and express the idea of profit. Furthermore, it shows the formation of an alternative frame of profit and elucidates (...)
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  9. Pomety G.V. Plekhanova na knigakh ego biblioteki.Irina Nikolaevna Kurbatova, S. S. Volk, T. I. Filimonova & Gosudarstvennaëiìa Publichnaëiìa Biblioteka Imeni M. E. Saltykova-Shchedrina - 1900 - Leningrad: Gos. publichnai︠a︡ biblioteka im. M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrina. Edited by S. S. Volk & T. I. Filimonova.
    -- vyp. 3. Pomety na knigakh o istorii, filosofii i obshchestvennoĭ mysli Rossii.
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  10. Relaţia dintre partide și stat ca efect al competiţiei politice.Irina Lonean - 2001 - Studies in East European Thought 53:3.
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    Picture-Proofs and Platonism.Irina Starikova - 2007 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 7 (1):81-92.
    This paper concerns the role of intuitions in mathematics, where intuitions are meant in the Kantian sense, i.e. the “seeing” of mathematical ideas by means of pictures, diagrams, thought experiments, etc.. The main problem discussed here is whether Platonistic argumentation, according to which some pictures can be considered as proofs (or parts of proofs) of some mathematical facts, is convincing and consistent. As a starting point, I discuss James Robert Brown’s recent book Philosophy of Mathematics, in particular, his primarily examples (...)
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  12. Концептуальні засади формування системи фармацевтичної безпеки україни.Irina Susharina & Iryna Kyrychenko - 2014 - Схід 6 (132):70-72.
    У статті визначено концептуальні засади формування системи фармацевтичної безпеки України. Автори констатують фрагментарність наукових досліджень у вітчизняній фармацевтичній науці щодо стану та механізмів гарантування фармацевтичної безпеки держави та неузгодженість пріоритетів і механізмів функціонування окремих суб'єктів фармацевтичного ринку України. У зв'язку з цим вони обгрунтовують, що першочерговим завданням, яке має бути відображено в Концепції фармацевтичної безпеки України, є залучення відповідних органів влади, провідних науково-дослідних установ, інших суб'єктів фармацевтичної галузі до розширення та вдосконалення розробки нормативно-правових актів у цій сфері.
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  13.  46
    Thought experiments in mathematics.Irina Starikova & Marcus Giaquinto - unknown
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  14.  28
    A family discussion: the Herzens on the science of man.Irina Sirotkina - 2002 - History of the Human Sciences 15 (4):1-18.
    The article deals with the argument about free will and determinism between A. I. Herzen (1812—70) and his son, the physiologist A. A. Herzen (1839—1906). The topic, sufficiently familiar to Herzen scholars, interests me above all for its relevance to the history of science. The polemics between father and son touched upon such burning questions of the day as materialism in understanding human beings, positivism as scientific methodology, and the relation of the human sciences to the natural sciences. Seeing physiological (...)
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    The phenomenon of the chess game in the art of the XX century.Irina Mikhailovna Balbekova - 2022 - Философия И Культура 5:1-11.
    This article examines the history of the creation of game theory as a phenomenon of culture and art. Contribution of theorists and artists of the twentieth century in the formation of game theory, its place in modern art criticism and philosophy. The significance and influence of the personality of Marcel Duchamp, surrealist artists in creating a modern understanding of the game in art and in life. The subject of the research in this article is such concepts as the game and (...)
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  16. AF Losev and the Philosophy of Resonance.Irina Borisova - 2005 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 44 (1):82-99.
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  17. Postmodernizm v Moskve.Irina M. Busygina - 1995 - Polis 6:5-9.
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    Komenskiĭ.Irina Dmitrievna Chechelʹ & V. A. Karakovskiĭ (eds.) - 1996 - Moskva: Izd. Dom Shalvy Amonashvili.
  19. Logos, Platon, Aristotel: Platonova i Aristotelova koncepcija logosa.Irina Deretić - 2009 - Belgrade:
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  20. 21st Century Anthropology: A Reference Handbook.Irina Deretić (ed.) - 2010 - Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications, Inc..
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    Science of self-organization and self-organization of science.Irina Dobronravova & Wolfgang Hofkirchner (eds.) - 2004 - Kyiv: "Abris".
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    The World Expo as a means of global cross-cultural communication (on the example of participation of Ural and the Chelyabinsk regions).Irina Evgen'evna Inozemtseva - 2021 - Философия И Культура 12:46-53.
    This article is a historical foray into participation of the Ural and the Chelyabinsk regions in the World Expos in the context of cross-cultural communication, in which the interaction between the exhibiting countries on the global questions of modernity takes place through the dialogue of cultures. In the broad sense, exhibition first and foremost is a significant attribute of culture and cultural life of a particular environment, and form of distribution of culture. The scientific literature features the following definition: “…exhibitions (...)
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    Daseinsanalysis: Propaedeitics to the discourse.Irina Kazakova - 2016 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 5 (2):15-45.
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    The discreteness of historical consciousness and its influence on the process of spiritual and intellectual formation of personality.Irina Leonidovna Merzlyakova - 2021 - Kant 41 (4):164-168.
    The purpose of the study is to reveal the relationship between the discreteness of historical consciousness and the processes of spiritual and intellectual development of the individual; to offer his vision of what the discreteness of historical consciousness is and to determine the degree of its influence on the process of spiritual and intellectual formation of the individual. The article focuses on the fact that the discreteness of historical consciousness has a destructive effect on public consciousness and its forms. The (...)
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  25.  28
    The Problem of Morality in Contemporary Russian Psychology.Irina A. Mironenko - 2013 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 51 (4):51-63.
    The author discusses the three main approaches taken by contemporary Russian psychologists to the problem of moral reference points and finds them all unsuited to life in a multicultural world.
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  26. Design of a complex testing system for e-learning.Irina Noninska & Radi Romansky - 2007 - Communication and Cognition. Monographies 40 (1-2):113-118.
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    Juan Pimentel. 2017. The Rhinoceros and the Megatherium. An Essay in Natural History.Irina Podgorny - 2018 - Theoria : An International Journal for Theory, History and Fundations of Science 33 (1):151-153.
    Review of Juan Pimentel. 2017. The Rhinoceros and the Megatherium. An Essay in Natural History.
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  28. Robert Lehmann-Nitsche.Irina Podgorny - 2007 - In Noretta Koertge (ed.), New Dictionary of Scientific Biography. Thomson Gale. pp. 4--236.
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    Nihilistic Thinking as the Self-Will of the Mind and the Projects of Its Overcoming.Irina N. Sidorenko - 2020 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (10):74-87.
    The author analyzes the conceptions of ontological nihilism in the works of S. Kierkegaard, F. Nietzsche, M. Heidegger, E. Jünger. On the basis of this analysis, violence is defined as a manifestation of nihilism, of the “will to nothingness” and hypertrophy of the self-will of man. The article demonstrates the importance of the problem of nihilism. The nihilistic thinking of modern man is expressed in the attitude toward a radical transformation of the world from the position of his “absolute” righteousness. (...)
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    Boris Pasternak: “In Everything I Want to Get to the Very Essence”.Irina N. Sizemskaya - 2020 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (7):9-20.
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  31. Why do mathematicians need different ways of presenting mathematical objects? The case of cayley graphs.Irina Starikova - 2010 - Topoi 29 (1):41-51.
    This paper investigates the role of pictures in mathematics in the particular case of Cayley graphs—the graphic representations of groups. I shall argue that their principal function in that theory—to provide insight into the abstract structure of groups—is performed employing their visual aspect. I suggest that the application of a visual graph theory in the purely non-visual theory of groups resulted in a new effective approach in which pictures have an essential role. Cayley graphs were initially developed as exact mathematical (...)
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    Bioscience ethics.Irina Pollard - 2009 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Bioscience ethics facilitates free and accurate information transfer from applied science to applied bioethics. Its major elements are: increased understanding of biological systems, responsible use of technology, and attuning ethnocentric debates to new scientific insights. Pioneered by Irina Pollard in 1994, bioscience ethics has become an internationally recognized discipline, interfacing science and bioethics within professional perspectives such as medical, legal, bio-engineering, and economics. Written for students and professionals alike, the fundamental feature of this book is its breadth, important because (...)
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    Hospitality of the Matrix: Philosophy, Biomedicine, and Culture.Irina Aristarkhova - 2012 - Columbia University Press.
    The question "Where do we come from?" has fascinated philosophers, scientists, and artists for generations. This book reorients the question of the matrix as a place where everything comes from (_chora_, womb, incubator) by recasting it in terms of acts of "matrixial/maternal hospitality" producing space and matter of and for the other. Irina Aristarkhova theorizes such hospitality with the potential to go beyond tolerance in understanding self/other relations. Building on and critically evaluating a wide range of historical and contemporary (...)
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    Self-Construal and Unethical Behavior.Irina Cojuharenco, Garriy Shteynberg, Michele Gelfand & Marshall Schminke - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 109 (4):447-461.
    We suggest that understanding unethical behavior in organizations involves understanding how people view themselves and their relationships with others, a concept known as self-construal. Across multiple studies, employing both field and laboratory settings, we examine the impact of three dimensions of self-construal (independent, relational, and collective) on unethical behavior. Our results show that higher levels of relational self-construal relate negatively to unethical behavior. We also find that differences in levels of relational self for men and women mediate gender differences in (...)
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    When Empathic Concern and Perspective Taking Matter for Ethical Judgment: The Role of Time Hurriedness.Irina Cojuharenco & Francesco Sguera - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 130 (3):717-725.
    Based on a dual process view of ethical judgment, we examine the role of empathic concern and perspective taking on the acceptability of lying to protect the company. We hypothesize that these traits will matter to a different extent under conditions of high and low perceived time hurriedness. Our research hypotheses are tested in a survey of 134 US workers. Results show that empathic concern reduces the acceptability of lying to protect the company for individuals who tend to do things (...)
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  36.  26
    The Demon of Distraction.Irina Dumitrescu & Caleb Smith - 2021 - Critical Inquiry 47 (S2):S77-S81.
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    Consciousness and Evolution.Irina-Gabriela Buda - 2009 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 14 (2):329-342.
    I analyse some of the key evolutionary issues that arise in the study of consciousness from a bio-philosophical point of view. They all seem to be related to the fact that phenomenality has a special status: it is a very complex feature, apparently more than biological, it is hard to define because of the plurality of its displays and it is difficult to study with classic evolutionary tools. Giving an answer to the question “is consciousness an adaptive trait?” thus seems (...)
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  38. Why Should Women Be Given The Same Education As Men? Plato's Account of Gender Equality in Education in The Laws.Irina Deretić - 2024 - In Lj Radenović, D. Dimitrijevic & I. Akkad (eds.), Paideia: The Language and Philosophy of Education. pp. 31-41.
    Abstract: The political views of Plato on women in the Laws have been a subject of debate among scholars. The reintroduction of families and private property in his late dialogue can potentially impact the role of women in the state. Furthermore, it remains a matter of contention whether Plato altered some of his political views on women while writing the Laws. In this debate, I will analyze the inconsistencies in Plato’s Laws, endeavoring to determine whether Plato provided women with equal (...)
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    Cancer Ecology: Niche Construction, Keystone Species, Ecological Succession, and Ergodic Theory.Irina Kareva - 2015 - Biological Theory 10 (4):283-288.
    Parallels between cancer and ecological systems have been increasingly recognized and extensively reviewed. However, a more unified framework of understanding cancer as an evolving dynamical system that undergoes a sequence of interconnected changes over time, from a dormant microtumor to disseminated metastatic disease, still needs to be developed. Here, we focus on several examples of such mechanisms, namely, how in cancer niche construction a metabolic adaptation and consequent change to the tumor microenvironment becomes an important factor in evasion of the (...)
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  40. Thou Shall Not Harm All Living Beings: Feminism, Jainism, and Animals.Irina Aristarkhova - 2012 - Hypatia 27 (3):636-650.
    In this paper, I critically develop the Jain concept of nonharm as a feminist philosophical concept that calls for a change in our relation to living beings, specifically to animals. I build on the work of Josephine Donovan, Carol J. Adams, Jacques Derrida, Kelly Oliver, and Lori Gruen to argue for a change from an ethic of care and dialogue to an ethic of carefulness and nonpossession. I expand these discussions by considering the Jain philosophy of nonharm in relation to (...)
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  41.  24
    Control of transcription of Drosophila retrotransposons.Irina R. Arkhipova & Yurii V. Ilyin - 1992 - Bioessays 14 (3):161-168.
    Studies of transcriptional control sequences responsible for regulated and basal‐level RNA synthesis from promoters of Drosophila melanogaster retrotransposons reveal novel aspects of gene regulation and lead to identification of trans‐acting factors that can be involved in RNA polymerase II transcription not only of retrotransposons, but of many other cellular genes. Comparisons between promoters of retrotransposons and some other Drosophila genes demonstrate that there is a greater variety in basal promoter structure than previously thought and that many promoters may contain essential (...)
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  42.  53
    On the definition of genre of Dostoevsky's works.Irina Avramets - 2000 - Sign Systems Studies 28:199-215.
    On the definition of genre of Dostoevsky's works. The article mostly addresses Dostoevsk's own definitions of genres of his works, either explicated in the texts (subtitles, prefaces) or contained in the writer's letters; or rather the relationship between the scholarly strategies of defining genres and the writer's own view, as evidenced. by subtitles which, in some sense, are part of the text (in nearly, but not precisely, the same way as the titles themselves are). The writer's own definitions, then, can (...)
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    Paradoksy teorii mnozhestv i dialektika.Irina Nikolaevna Burova - 1976 - Moskva: Nauka.
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    Ethical ideas in the world outlook of Swami Vivekananda, Lokamanya B.G. Tilak, and Aurobindo Ghose.Irina Pavlovna Chelysheva - 1989 - Calcutta: Vostok.
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    Emigración, ciudadanía externa y ciudadanía europea. Retos conceptuales y prácticos.Irina Ciornei - 2012 - Arbor 188 (755):543-556.
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  46. O vzaimodeĭstvii kinovidov.Irina Evteeva - 2011 - Sankt-Peterburg: Rossiĭsk. in-t istorii iskusstv.
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    A Perspective of the General Scientific Picture of the World: Collisions and Trends.Irina A. Gerasimova - 2022 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 59 (3):6-18.
    The article discusses the problems of constructing a scientific picture of the world in a technogenic civilization at the stage of its globalization. The interdependence of science, technology and society generates a number of issues of a socio-humanitarian and, in particular, ideological nature. Interdisciplinary forms of organization of sciences contribute to the development of borderline methodologies. These methodologies integrate the achievements and problems of specific disciplines into a certain overall picture. The ambitions of this worldview include space, planetary nature with (...)
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    Genesis of the Rationality in the Old Russian Book: From the Sensual Image to the Abstract Concept.Irina Gerasimova & Vladimir Milkov - 2018 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 6:52-62.
    In the article the authors put and discuss the problem of rationality in the culture of Old Russia in the context of contemporary discussions on the prob- lems of rationality. Enlighteners of Peter's time adhered to the view of the total absence of intellectual life in Old Russia. Authors distinguish various areas of intellectual activity: the study of nature, mathematical and chronological works, the use of logical tools in apologetics and polemics, medical practices, political strategies, translation activity, understanding of the (...)
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    The Problem of the Choice of the Russian Development Strategy in the Conditions of Global Instability.Irina Krylova - 2018 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 5:31-47.
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    Istoriosofskai︠a︡ kont︠s︡ept︠s︡ii︠a︡ Vladimira Solovʹëva.Irina Vladimirovna Lobanova - 2013 - Moskva: Institut rossiĭskoĭ istorii RAN.
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